-= Rumor Warning =-
Geri Halliwell is overdoing her fitness training to get in shape for the Spice Girls' reunion tour. An old friend of hers who recently met up with her told the Daily Mirror (UK):
"You could feel her bones sticking through. She's on the cusp. She looks good now but if she takes it any further, she's going to start to look ill. She's incredibly compulsive. The Spice Girls' reunion is a huge deal for her and she wants to look her very best for her moment back in the limelight. The problem is, Geri is a woman of extremes and she doesn't always know when to stop. She is a very disciplined person. She has regular vitamin injections to ensure her body is getting the right nutrients. She's a big fan of taking her own packed lunches with her. They will be carefully controlled, a certain amount of protein and carbohydrate. It will all be measured out and she'll stick to it rigidly. Her boobs are always the giveaway. Once they shrink, you know she's gone too far. Look closely at her collarbones too. She looks great at the moment. But, unfortunately, she doesn't always recognise when it's time to pull back. There are times when she takes it to the brink and then falls over the edge. Let's just hope it doesn't happen this time. We mustn't forget that ego plays a major part in all this. Geri loves Victoria, but she also envies her figure and Victoria is looking fabulous at the moment. Geri is always very determined to work on her figure when she knows she's got something to promote and this is her biggest career move in recent years. That old friendly rivalry with Victoria could well be in full swing again. That's what worries her friends the most."
A source in Los Angeles adds:
"Her bandmates have also noticed something might be wrong. The other girls are all a bit worried about Geri's behavior. She's always been one to take things to extremes and the way she's dealing with her pre-tour fitness regime is another example of her obsessive personality. Her mumsy, unflattering outfit at the reunion shoot was, most of them believe, a calculated move. She wasn't at what she considers her peak physical condition and she wanted to give everyone a big 'wow' photo when she unveils her perfect body on the first night of the tour."
-= Rumor Warning =-
Wow, talk about a "friend" that can babble on and on.