--Friday, June 29, 2001 at 3.00pm MST - [AHung]
Melanie B To Judge Children's Book Award
Spice Girl Mel B is to sit on the judging panel for the second annual Blue Peter book awards. She joins panel chairman Ian Hislop, actress Imogen Stubbs, children's author Alan Gibbons and Blue Peter editor Steve Hocking. Nine viewers will join the panel when a shortlist has been drawn up from 12,000 children who entered a competition to become judges.

Thanks Zila and the BBC web site.

--Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 2.35am MST - [AHung]
Melanie B Buys House In Brazil
Melanie B is to move to a house she is having built at a celebrity resort in Brazil. She'll still be spending part of each year in England. Mel splashed out £20,000 for the large plot at Angra Dos Reis, 50 miles from Rio de Janeiro, one of South America's hottest new locations. The Spice Girl says she wants to introduce her two-year-old daughter Phoenix Chi to Latin American culture:

"I've just bought a big bit of land over in Brazil so I will be visiting quite a bit with my baby - and I can't wait. I've fallen in love with the place because it's the capital for Latin, funky music, brilliant people and thongs."

--Wednesday, June 27, 2001 at 6.35pm MST - [AHung]
Melanie C Discusses Madonna
In a documentary about Madonna to be aired on BBC 1 on July 4th at 10.35 pm, here's what Melanie C says about her idol Madonna:

I think it's quite fair to say that I am….a rather large Madonna fan, in more ways than one. I was definitely one of the wannabes. Yeah I had you know the lace fingerless gloves, and like wearing like silly odd socks and poncy little boots and stuff… I've still got a lot of crucifixes actually. (LAUGHS)

I think she's very good in an A&R sense at discovering new talent. I think she's got a very good ear, she knows what she likes, and she knows how to approach a market. And she knows what's going to sell.

I think it's very fair to say that Madonna was doing the girl power thing a long time before the Spice Girls were around.

The first time I met her I was in New York in 1998. I'd just finished the Spice Girl tour, and I was in New York on my own actually, just before returning home. And I got a phone call from home saying, Madonna's [on the phone for you] and I was like yeah right. Anyway sort of put the phone down. And the phone rang again, and it was someone on the phone, I've got Madonna here for you. And I was like someone's on a wind up here, anyway, you can't mistake that voice, you know it was Madonna on the phone. And she'd heard I was in town and she'd invited me out to dinner, she was going out to dinner that night with some friends. And that was the first time I met her properly. I met her once with the girls, at the MTV awards in New York. So that was the first time I actually went out on a social occasion with Madonna. And it was very nice. She was lovely. Because I'm sure she's quite used to people crumbling around her. I'd been a massive fan of hers for forever you know, she's a big idol of mine and I was quite nervous about meeting her. But she's got this air about her that makes you feel very easy in her presence. And at the end of the day you know, she's just a girl too. So, it was very, very nice experience.

Express Yourself is one of the routines that I definitely know and I used to really like doing that one, cos it's the bit where she shows her bra, and the bit where she holds her crotch. And that that was pretty cool. And I like that dance routine, cos that's the one where they had the boys. And she was like really dominating over the boys, that was a very good routine, good song, good video. She's always got a wicked videos. Wicked, wicked videos.

Thanks Melanie C Zone.

--Wednesday, June 27, 2001 at 7.35pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Victoria Refuses Role
Victoria refused an offer to play a single mother, addicted to anti-depressants who takes a drug company to court in a drama for Channel 4. She fears a bad image, saying she can not identify with the character, either as an actress or as a mother.

--Wednesday, June 27, 2001 at 11.08am MST - [AHung]
See Emma Perform On One Big Sunday
Click here to see the video of Emma performing on One Big Sunday. This is from BBC's web site.

--Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 1.08pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Posh: Geri Stole My Video-Idea
-= Rumor Warning =-

Victoria Beckham seems to be very upset after she saw details of Geri Halliwell's latest video Scream If You Wanna Go Faster. The general idea seems to be a rip-off from Victoria's video for Innocent Girl, which is said to be out around September.

In her video, Victoria, wearing white, battles against an evil twin, wearing black, who is also played by her. Geri's video features a white-clothed Lara Croft-style superhero fighting against a pop star character in black, both played by her.

-= Rumor Warning =-

Hehehe, let's see if Vic will do a "Fame"-style video for her 2nd single as a revenge ;-)

--Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 1.07pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Emma Interview With The Base
Not only Melanie B was interviewed by Carlton.com / The Base (Story), also Emma did an interview that can be watched in streaming real video format divided into 2 parts. She talks about her new image, new album, and a few old grievances. The transcript is not up yet, but as soon as it is, we'll post a local copy. But until then, watch the video: Thanks Kfir!

--Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 1.06pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Emma Was Booed
Poor Emma was booed while performing at One Big Sunday. The audience started booing when she went on stage and didn't stop until she left. A reason might be, that it's strange to put Emma on a line-up along with lots of R&B and rap-artists, such as Wyclef Jean & Outkast, so the audience wouldn't be really into pop songs such as What Took You So Long & Sunshine On A Rainy Day.

--Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 12.42pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Emma In Danger At One Big Sunday
Emma was in serious danger while performing at One Big Sunday at Manchester's Heaton Park. A man in the audience was waving with a firearm (which are all illegal in the UK) above his head so armed police men arrested the alleged perpetrator.

Thanks Matt Shepherd

--Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 3.20pm GMT - [Schnickers]
MelB Fought Back Her Tears
Melanie B, as a patron of the Blackliners charity, visited a romanian fan named Ferian who suffers from Aids at he children's hospital in Bucharest. The meeting with the girl, who is close to death, was so touching for her that she had a hard time holding her tears back. She said:
"She is so ill, I could feel her body shaking when I hugged her. She is going to die no matter what miracle treatment they give her now, so I just wanted to make her a bit happier during the time she has left. I really had to steel myself not to cry in there. But when I got into the corridor I had to cry."
News Of The World posted some pix of the meeting, here are local copies of those:

--Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 3.00pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Emma At One Big Sunday Follow Up
Emma performed What Took You So Long and Sunshine On A Rainy Day at Radio 1's One Big Sunday, boths songs mimed (sometimes you could hear her singing live over the playback) so don't expect any mp3s to be up!

How dissapointing! She proved often enough that she can sing, so why doesn't she do so?!

--Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 11.32am GMT - [Schnickers]
Emma At One Big Sunday -Reminder-
Just to remind you: Emma will performing at One Big Sunday in less than 1 1/2 hours (2-4pm UK time), you can listen to the event live on Radio 1!

--Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 11.10am GMT - [Schnickers]
Emma Live In Oslo
Emma performed in Oslo at NRK1's free live show at the "Raadhusplassen" yesterday, performing Take My Breath Away & What Took You So Long live with her band.

Thanks Petter

--Saturday, June 23, 2001 at 1.10pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Take My Breath Away-Pics
-= Rumor Warning =-

Here are a bunch of pics which seem to be taken at the set for Emma's new video Take My Breath Away:

-= Rumor Warning =-

Thanks Vic Angel

The reason why I put a rumor warning for this one is that it somehow extremly looks like LLLTW and I doubt that it's for Take My Breath Away, can't imagine the video to look like that.. :-/ we'll have to see! :)

--Friday, June 22, 2001 at 10.54pm MST - [AHung]
Baholyodhin To Design Melanie C's Furniture
Bangkok-born Ou Baholyodhin is designing some furniture for Melanie C's Hampstead flat. His speciality is the creation of sensational atmospheres. His cool design approach also accounts for bespoke furnishing commissions from those who admire his easy-living minimal style. "My pieces are practical and minimal," he says. "They fit in so easily with more dramatic furnishings that people often fail to notice them. I don't have an ego problem with that, it's the intangible experience that counts."

The Corrs took advantage of Baholyodhin's genius for designing and calmly co-ordinating an entire event - music, lighting, image projection, VIP passes, coat tags, staff uniforms, special furniture - for the launch party for their last album; Madonna has hired him to plan her end-of-tour party in July.

Thanks Zila for finding this in This Is London.

--Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 9.10pm MST - [Schnickers]
MelB-Interview With Carlton.com
Melanie B did one of those typical Lullaby-promo-interviews with carlton.com: You may also want to check our local copy of the interview!

Thanks Kfir!

--Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 8.49pm MST - [Schnickers]
MelB Not Done With Max
Max Beesley denied rumours that he and Mel are no longer together. He said the couple is "still very much in love."

Melanie added:

It's lovely to be home to be able to enjoy loads of time together. We'll probably just mess around in our garden with Phoenix

--Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 8.42pm MST - [Schnickers]
Melanie C's Summer Events
Melanie C updated her official page with the following summer event-dates:

As promised here's a list of all my performances for the next few months. This list will be updated throughout the summer as more events are added so keep checking it out:

July 2001:

  • 1 Hero Square , Budapest Festival (headlining)
  • 5 Midfynn Festival, Denmark Festival
  • 20 Big Top, Liverpool Festival with Atomic Kitten
  • 27 Ostersund, Sweden Festival
August 2001:

  • 25 Hamburg, Germany Concert (BBMak supporting)
  • 26 Bonn, Germany Concert (BBMak supporting)

--Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 10.36pm MST - [AHung]
Melanie C Singing In Sweden Pictures
Click below to see pictures of Melanie C performing for the King and Queen of Sweden:

Thanks wowfandk.

--Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 12.28am MST - [AHung]
Posh Spice Autobiography Released 13th September
Amazon lists the 13th of September as the release date of Posh Spice's autobiography entitled Learning to Fly. It's listed for pounds 16.99 but Amazon will be selling it for pounds 13.59. This is for the hardcover version with a total of 352 pages.

Thanks Nieldanstar.

--Monday, June 18, 2001 at 11.14pm MST - [AHung]
News from Emma's Official Site
Emma's official site contains some new news: She states that she is happy that Take my Breath Away will be the next single, to be released in mid-August. She will also be playing in this year's Party in the Park.

Regarding the new single, a fan named Norman checked his local HMV Store which told him that the single would be available the 6th of August.

--Sunday, June 17, 2001 at 9.25pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Dane Worked With Posh Again
Dane Bowers was on this mornings Top Of The Pops Plus (UK). He said he co-wrote a song with Victoria for her album called Girlfriend. He said it was a pop/r&b style track.

Thanks Matt Shepherd

--Sunday, June 17, 2001 at 2.59pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Emma Turned Off
Emma had problems hitting some of the notes during her performance at Radio Power FM's gig at Southampton so that an engineer turned the mic down and used a playback instead.

--Sunday, June 17, 2001 at 2.55pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Learning To Fly Info
The girls' official site has been updated with some info about Victoria's upcoming autobiography "Learning To Fly":

From the time when, as an eight-year-old girl, she saw the movie Fame, Victoria wanted to be a star. There was a line from the title song that stayed with her - 'I'm gonna live forever, I'm gonna learn how to fly'. With this extraordinary book she gives us the chance to follow her on her journey from lonely teenager to international star; to fly alongside her.

This is a book about the reality of fame. About what it's like to be one half of the most watched couple in Britain. How it feels to be the target of so much adoration and envy.

What it took for little Victoria Adams to become who she is today, and why she wanted it so much.

This is the real Victoria, standing up for herself, her husband David and their little boy Brooklyn. She is famous, beautiful, glamorous, yes - but also very human, vulnerable and funny. Setting the record straight about the controversies that have surrounded her, she reveals the truth behind, among other things, the beginnings of the Spice Girls, her wedding, her health and the terrifying kidnap and death threats.

Here too are the lessons that her extraordinary life has taught her. That it's good to have dreams and goals, and to achieve them is fantastic, but that getting what you want isn't all that matters; you have to get what you need - love, family and peace of mind. stay tuned for date of publication...

There is also a cover posted, click here for a local copy of that VERY small scan.

Thanks Geo!

--Friday, June 15, 2001 at 7.15pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Vote For Vic!
Victoria is nominated for Disney Channel Kids Awards as Best Dressed Celebrity, click here to vote on their website.

Thanks ((( Spice Online )))!

--Friday, June 15, 2001 at 6.58pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Melanie C Official Site Update
Since it's the "national Stamp Out Smoking Day" in the UK today, Melanie C updated her page, saying the following:

"Did you know that today (15 June) is national Stamp Out Smoking Day? I decided to front the campaign after being contacted by the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. Our mission is to raise as much awareness of the dangers of smoking as possible.

I really hate smoking and I’m always happy to do anything I can to stop kids from starting. Smoking is so disgusting, it makes you unfit, it’s not cool and it’s so bad for your health (not to mention your stinky breath, bleugh!!!!).

I think I tried my first cigarette when I was about 8 years old, all my mates we doing it so I thought I'd try - it made me feel physically sick! So I just hope you kids out there can see that it's not actually that cool to smoke. It's not cool being a sheep and following other people, especially if it's not doing your health any good"

Check out www.roycastle.org/kats for more details

She also updated her letters-page.

Thanks C'stheone from dotmusic forum!

--Friday, June 15, 2001 at 6.43pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Posh & Becks In Dictionary
Victoria and husband David Beckham have just been added to the new Collins Concise English Dictionary, a kind of who's who of popular culture.

The entries will look like this:

The Beckhams entries read: BECKHAM, David, born 1975, British footballer; plays for Manchester United and England.

His wife Victoria (née Adams, known as Posh Spice). Born 1974, British pop singer, a member of the Spice Girls.

Thanks Geo!

--Friday, June 15, 2001 at 6.40pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Sporty's Royal Appointment
Melanie C is going to play for the King and Queen of Sweden at their 25th wedding anniversary celebrations on June 19th.

--Friday, June 15, 2001 at 6.37pm GMT - [Schnickers]
MelB To Say It All
Melanie B going to earn £50,000 by writing an autobiography (with the help of ghost-writer Rebecca Crips). The book, due to be released during the autumn of 2002, will tell the whole truth about her life. Publishers expect it to be a bestseller.

--Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at 11:21pm MST - [AHung]
Win Melanie C's T-shirt
Head on over to Melanie C's official site and click on the Competition link to win one of Melanie C's old T-shirts.

--Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at 10:55pm MST - [AHung]
Posh Album Expected 27th August
Rumors have Posh Spice's album to be released on the 27th of August. It is apparently called Innocent Girl, which is also a name of one of the songs on the album.

--Monday, June 11, 2001 at 9:37pm MST - [AHung]
Emma At Amusement Park
Click below to see pictures of Emma with her boyfriend Jade at an amusement park in Staffordshire. Pictures are from The Sun:

--Sunday, June 10, 2001 at 6:10pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Are You A Posh FANatic?
If you are a huge Victoria-Fan and live in the UK, this could be your chance! MTV looks for the biggest Posh-Fan to interview her on an issue of the TV-show "FANatic" where fans get to meet their idols.

If you are 16 or over click here to submit your details to MTV to get a chance to meet Victoria. The deadline for entries is June 25, so hurry up!

Thanks Melanie B Zone!

--Sunday, June 10, 2001 at 6:00pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Melanie B @ #13
Lullaby by Melanie B entered the british single charts at #13.

Does that mean she gets fired from Virgin then?! *rollseyes*

--Sunday, June 10, 2001 at 4:05am MST - [AHung]
Emma Takes Reflexology
-= Rumor Warning =-

From 'The Diary' in the Sunday Mirror :

Emma Bunton says she's taking up reflexology to help her relax. The Spice Girl has even enrolled in a course to learn how to manipulate her own feet to alleviate stress.

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Sunday, June 10, 2001 at 4:01am MST - [AHung]
Posh Teenage Trauma
-= Rumor Warning =-

From 'The Diary' in the Sunday Mirror :

Victoria Beckham's awaited autobiography Learning To Fly will go into graphic detail about her torment at the hands of schoolyard bullies. "Victoria has never spoken about her ordeal like this before," a pal said. "It will shock a lot of people."

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Friday, June 8, 2001 at 6:37pm MST - [AHung]
Melanie C To Sing For King And Queen
-= Rumor Warning =-

Melanie C will sing for the King and Queen of Sweden on June 19th. It is their anniversary.

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Friday, June 8, 2001 at 1:37am MST - [AHung]
Melanie B Video Interview With NME.com
Click here to see an interview with Melanie B from NME.com.

--Friday, June 8, 2001 at 1:14am MST - [AHung]
Emma To Shoot Next Video In Thailand
Emma apparently told some fans in Singapore that she will be hoping to shoot her next video in Thailand.

Thanks X_Genie.

--Friday, June 8, 2001 at 1:02am MST - [AHung]
Melanie C Festival Bar Footage
Click here to view a small clip of Melanie C performing at Festival Bar.

Thanks BabyMelC.

The audio didn't work for me, but it could be just a problem with my own computer.

--Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 7:12pm GMT - [Schnickers]
FHM.com did an interview with Melanie B about the Lullaby-release and all, so go there to check it out or click here for a direct-link to the quicktime-video of the interview!

Thanks Chaloc!

--Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 7:06pm GMT - [Schnickers]
MelB In Company Magazine-Scans
Melanie B is featured in this month "Company" magazine, here are the scans of that:

Thanks Michael Holden!

--Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 1:25pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Posh: No Ads
Correction on the post below, Victoria said to "The Mirror" that she is not doing advertisement for Voyage:

"Though I love their clothes I decided against it as I'm so busy getting my album finished."

--Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 8:18pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Victoria: Posh Ads
Victoria Beckham just signed an advertising contract with clothes store Voyage. She gets £800,000 to be the new face of Britain's most exclusive boutique, being featured on posters and in ads.

--Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 8:02pm GMT - [Schnickers]
MelB: Low Sales
-= Rumor Warning =-

Midweek figures turn out to be bad for Melanie B, she's the 5th highest new entry on #14 with 4501 copies of Lullaby being sold.

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Wednesday, June 6, 2001 at 7:45pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Melanie C Tour Program Scans
That's what I call dedicated.. :) A SpiceNews-reader scanned in the whole tour-program of Melanie C, the scans are not too big, but you can read everything, so here it is:

Big Thanks Sam Bennett

--Tuesday, June 5, 2001 at 10:30pm MST - [AHung]
Melanie C To Play Mardis Gras
-= Rumor Warning =-

Melanie C will play Mardis Gras on Saturday 30th June in Finsbury Park.

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Tuesday, June 5, 2001 at 7:30pm GMT - [Schnickers]
MelB AOL Webchat Transcript
Melanie B did an AOL webchat yesterday, click here to read the transcript. She is as open as usual, talking about her life, her opinion on Westlife & Geri, Phoenix and more. Pretty interesting! :-)

Thanks Doyle and Michelle

--Tuesday, June 5, 2001 at 1:53pm GMT - [Schnickers]
MelB Worldpop Interview
Melanie B recently did an Interview with Worldpop about the second album, her TV carrer, touring, the other girls and more so go there to read it or check out our local copy. You can also watch streaming real videos of the interview:

--Tuesday, June 5, 2001 at 1:23pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Melanie C Performances
Melanie C is scheduled for several festivals. Here are some of them:

Thanks Heidi & Josefina & Madelen

--Monday, June 4, 2001 at 11:17pm MST - [AHung]
Emma On German Top Of The Pops
Click below to see pictures of Emma performing on Germany's Top of the Pops:

Thanks glamourspice2002.

--Monday, June 4, 2001 at 11:17pm MST - [AHung]
Melanie B Computer Pictures
Click below to see pictures of Melanie B visiting her old school in West Yorkshire to deliver new computers to the pupils:

--Monday, June 4, 2001 at 6:17pm MST - [AHung]
Music Capital Interviews Melanie B
Click here to read Melanie B's responses on various topics with Music Capital.

--Monday, June 4, 2001 at 6:05pm MST - [AHung]
Victoria's New Video
-= Rumor Warning =-

There are 2 versions of Victoria's new video being shot. Both deal with feuding girl gangs, and one has Victoria playing the leader of both the good gang and the bad gang. She apparently also brought sponge cakes to the set, which she claimed to have baked herself.

This is from UK Confidential. Thanks spicetimothy for the grammar correction.

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Monday, June 4, 2001 at 5:45pm MST - [AHung]
Melanie C To Perform In Finland
-= Rumor Warning =-

Melanie C is to perform at a festival in Finland on July 14th.

Thanks mpspice.

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Sunday, June 4, 2001 at 3.30pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Melanie B Done With Max?
-= Rumor Warning =-

Melanie B had a serious argument with current boyfriend Max Beesley. She was in a pub, shouting into her mobile phone. After the argument she said she "had it with Max". A spokesperson denied this, saying that "they are still together".

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Sunday, June 4, 2001 at 3.26pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Melanie C: Concert Announced
Melanie C will play a homecoming show at this summer's King's Dock pop festivities in Liverpool. The event will take place on July 20, tickets can be ordered here.

--Sunday, June 4, 2001 at 3.23pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Lullaby @ The Priory Mpeg
Melanie B's awesome Lullaby-performance she did live at The Priory can be downloaded at Melanie B Addiction in mpeg & real video format. The site also has screencaps and an mp3 of the performance.

--Sunday, June 4, 2001 at 3.18pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Melanie C & Russell Watson Mpeg
Melanie C's recent performances, Barcelona (feat. Russell Watson) and Aren't You Kinda Glad We Did, from Music Live festival can now be downloaded in nice quality mpeg-format (81 MB) over at SpiceVideos.com.

--Sunday, June 4, 2001 at 3.11pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Emma To Perform For Radio 1
Emma will perform at the One Big Sunday event in Manchester's Heaton Park on Sunday, June 24 along with other artists such as Outkast and Sugababes. It will be broadcasted by Radio 1 between 2pm and 4pm which you can also listen to online.

--Sunday, June 4, 2001 at 3.05pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Lullaby Out Now
Melanie B's single Lullaby is out now in the UK and some other countries in Europe (not everywhere though) so you might want to go out and get it. You can also order it at Amazon.co.uk if you like!

--Sunday, June 4, 2001 at 3.00pm GMT - [Schnickers]
MelB To Design Clothes
Melanie B said in an interview that she'd like to have her own range of baby clothes
"I'd really like to release a baby clothes range cos I don't think there's enough out there. Gap's baby clothes are fantastic and very affordable but I'd like to do something quirkier than that."