Spice Babies
Updated: 8/4/99
It's hard to believe they have children of their own already...
Phoenix Chi
The first ever child of a Spice Girl is Phonix Chi, born to Melanie Janine Brown and Jimmy Gulzar on the 19th of February, 1999 at 6:42PM. The baby girl wieghed in at 5.5lbs. "Chi" is pronounced "Key". "Phoenix" was chosen as the first part of the baby girl's name because that is the city in which it first became public that Melanie was pregnant. "Phoenix" also means fire and "Chi" means aura. Melanie left the hospital with Phoenix less then 24 hours after delivery. Apparently so far Phoenix has been quite a quiet child and not causing mother Mel too much trouble. Phoenix has already been to the US when she accompanied mother Mel during her trip to work on her solo album. Here are a couple pictures of Phoneix Chi:
Brooklyn Joseph
The second child of a Spice Girl is Brooklyn Joseph, born to Victoria Caroline Adams and David Beckham on the 13th of March, 1999 at 7:28PM. The baby boy was delivered by C-Section and weighed in at 7lbs. Brooklyn has this name because he was concieved in Manhattan in late June 1998, however Victoria and David chose the name Brooklyn because "Manhattan" didn't fit very well for a name, and Brooklyn is the next closest borough! Brooklyn seems to be causing Victoria some sleepless nights however because he stays up at night and sleeps during the day. On a sad note, the original first ever family pictures of Brooklyn have been stolen from David Beckham. Here are a couple pictures of Brooklyn Joseph:
Additional Info
Victoria Adams and David Beckham plan to have more children. Emma and Melanie C express no interest in having children anytime soon.