--Monday, December 31, 2001 at 1.53pm GMT - [Schnickers - Final 2001]
MelB on the Kumars-MPEG
SpiceVideos.com posted an mpeg of Melanie B's performance on the BBC2 show "The Kumars" which aired yesterday. In the 2-minute-appearance, she sings the christmas-song "Winter Wonderland".

This is my last post for this year. It was a very quiet Spice Year which was marked by more or less convincing solo-albums which had more or less convincing sales. My personal dissapointment of the year is Mel B being dropped :-| Well done, Virgin..!

The only thing I'm really looking forward to in 2002 would be the release of Melanie C's 2nd album, unlike many other fans I'm not too optimistic that 2002 will bring a comeback of the girls but I would be happy to be proved wrong :)

Anyways, I (and all other SpiceNewsers) would like to wish everyone a happy new year 2002, may all your goals be achieved :)

--Monday, December 31, 2001 at 1.35pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Too Posh To Sing
Victoria and David refused to sing at a karaoke-session at the MaNu Christmas Party even tho everyone expected her as a singer to join in - Mr. and Mrs. Posh decided to leave early instead.

After hearing her "singing" live on Des O Connor, I'm happy for the MaNu-players that she didn't karaoke ;-)

--Monday, December 31, 2001 at 1.34pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Northern Star Rises Again
Melanie C's album Northern Star re-entered the UK album charts at #71 this week, probably due to low price and not much sales done short after christmas, yet still a nice achievement.

--Sunday, December 30, 2001 at 9.45am GMT - [Schnickers]
MelB On BBC2 Tonight
Melanie B will be apperaring at a UK chat show tonight called the Kumars, it airs at 9:30pm UK time on BBC

Thanks C'stheone

--Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 11.03pm MST - [AHung]
Emma Quotes From Smash Hits Magazine
Click here to read a set of quotes from Emma Bunton from Smash Hits magazine.

Much thanks to Paul for typing this up.

--Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 11.03am GMT - [Schnickers]
Emma on Top Of The Pops-Multimedia
Emma performed We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight on yesterday's episode of BBC's Top Of The Pops. Click here to download an mp3 of the semi-live performance or here for a real video.

Much thanks Michael Holden

--Friday, December 21, 2001 at 2.35am MST - [AHung]
Emma Buys New Toilet
Emma has reportedly paid 3,000 pounds for a fancy new toilet for her Brighton seaside penthouse. It's made of hand-painted porcelain.

Hee hee, you asked for it, and now you're gonna get it (all the Spice "news").

--Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 6.35pm MST - [AHung]
Pictures Of Emma From Webchat
Click below to see pictures of Emma Bunton from the recent webchat she did. The pictures come from Melaniecspice, who was one of the competition winners! Way to go!

--Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 1.35am MST - [AHung]
Emma To Be Dropped By Virgin Records?
-= Rumor Warning =-

Worldpop is reporting that speculations persist about Emma Bunton's solo future after reports that she is about to be dropped by her record label (Virgin Records), following a less-than-stellar chart performance of her latest single, 'We're Not Going To Sleep Tonight'.

Recently Emma told Worldpop that the negativity towards the Spice Girls' solo careers was unfair. "It does upset me. We're all just starting out on our solo careers and we should just be left alone to develop as artists." If Emma is dropped she may pursue writing for other artists. Emma's spokeswoman refused to comment on the recent 'drop' rumours. "There's no official statement to make. As far as we're concerned Emma is still a Virgin Records recording artist."

-= Rumor Warning =-

Thanks Paul

--Sunday, December 16, 2001 at 5.30pm GMT - [Schnickers]
We're Not Gonna Sell Tonight
Emma's We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight made the worst debut for a spice related single ever in the british single charts this week, entering at #20.

Is it now safe to say that the song was definetly a wrong choice?!

--Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 9.00pm GMT - [Schnickers]
A Mind Of Its Own-Video Downloads
Victoria's official website now also has a real video version of her latest video A Mind Of Its Own, you can either watch it streaming or download it here:

  • 250k: stream | download

  • --Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 5.12pm GMT - [Schnickers]
    A Mind Of Its Own-Tracklists
    Here is the tracklisting for Victoria's single A Mind Of Its Own which is out on February 2nd:

    DVD Single:

    1. A Mind Of Its Own (Video)
    2. Always Be My Baby
    3. Feels So Good
    4. Behind The Scenes Footage Of Victoria (Video)
    CD Single:
    1. A Mind Of Its Own
    2. Always Be My Baby
    3. Feels So Good
    Thanks Richard

    Hmm, Melanie C did had a b-side called I Want You Back, now Vic did one called "Feels So Good" - I wonder if Emma's next B-side will be called either Lullaby or Tell Me.. :-D And 2 B-Sides: YAY, way to go Vic! :)

    --Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 12.35am MST - [AHung]
    New Interview With Emma At Dotmusic
    Click here to read a new interview with Emma Bunton conducted by Dotmusic.

    --Friday, December 14, 2001 at 8.00am GMT - [Schnickers]
    A Mind Of Its Own-Video
    Victoria posted the video for her next single A Mind Of Its Own on her official website, here is your chance to see the streaming Windows Media:

    --Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 7.05pm MST - [AHung]
    Picture Of Emma From GMTV
    Click here to see a nice screenshot of Emma on GMTV.

    Thanks Saucy Stef and Nigel McKenzie.

    --Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 7.20am GMT - [Schnickers]
    New Letters
    Melanie C's Letters-Page has been updated once again, click here to read the new questions and answers!

    Thanks sofie from Dotmusic Forums

    --Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 6.56pm GMT - [Schnickers]
    Emma Webchat & Acoustic Performance Download
    VirtueTV posted an archived version of yesterday's webchat and acoustic performance of Emma, here is some direct-links:


    Acoustic-Performance-Streams: Downloads (interview and performance):

    --Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 6.56pm GMT - [Schnickers]
    Emma DVD Gallery Pics
    Here's some pics from Emma's Gallery from her DVD for We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight: Thanks Michael Holden!

    --Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 6.56pm GMT - [Schnickers]
    Spice On TV
    Victoria will be appearing on CD:UK on December 22nd for an interview and to show her video for "A Mind Of Its Own" at 11:30am.

    The Spice Girls live at London Earls Court-Concert will be shown again on ITV1 on December 27th at 11.35am til 12.45pm.

    Thanks fcuk!

    --Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 2.01am MST - [AHung]
    Picture Of Emma From OK Magazine
    Click here to see a picture of Emma recently in Australia.

    Thank you to the saucy Stephen Melancon and Nick_C for the scan. :-)

    --Monday, December 10, 2001 at 2.01pm GMT - [Schnickers]
    Emma Webchat & Acoustic Performance Today!
    Emma Bunton will have a webchat tonight, followed by her first ever online acoustic performance. Here are the links to see it live: The webchat will start at 6pm GMT, until then the links above won't work! :-) Hopefully, some downloadable high quality content will be up soon!

    --Monday, December 10, 2001 at 1.56pm GMT - [Schnickers]
    Emma At Smash Hits-Pics
    Click here to see 5 pics of Emma at yesterday's Smash Hit Awards she co-presented.

    Thanks Michael Holden!

    --Monday, December 10, 2001 at 1.37pm GMT - [Schnickers]
    Posh Is Against Fake Brooklyn-Diary
    Victoria and David were trying to ban a fake book that is written as if it was Brooklyn's diary. In there, little Brooklyn describes his parents as very simple and obsessed with fashion - but there's nothing they can do about it. It's probably a laugh, if you like you can order it on Amazon!

    --Monday, December 10, 2001 at 1.33pm GMT - [Schnickers]
    MelC Invites Homeless For Lunch And Criticises Labour
    After spying a homeless in London's Covent Garden, Melanie C went over to him to give him some change and later invited him to have lunch with her.

    She has been in the news recently after she said on her homepage:

    "I feel really strongly about it. We're supposed to be a civilised country and there are still people without a home. I think everybody should have a roof over their head. Some people are rattling around in great big massive mansions and others are living in doorways. I don't think the government does enough. It just shouldn't be this way. There are so many disused and derelict buildings and so much money is wasted when quality of life is so important."

    --Monday, December 10, 2001 at 1.24pm GMT - [Schnickers]
    "Mon Coeur Suivra"-Lyrics
    -= Rumor Warning =-

    These are said to be the lyrics for the french version of "A Mind Of Its Own", source disclaimed to be Virgin France:

    Mon coeur suivra

    Stop, slow down, take a deep breath (ooh yeah)
    Stop, slow down, take a deep breath (na na na na na)
    Ooh, oh

    Je te regarde et je sais que c'est toi.
    L'homme que j'attends depuis toujours.
    Mon coeur, ma vie, toi qui hantait toutes mes nuits.
    Jamais je n'avais eu ce sentiment avant.
    Toute mon ame est comme renversée
    Oh my god, que m'arrive t'il?
    Pourra tu un jour me comprendre?

    I'm not willing to be so fearless, careless, just yet
    Once bitten, twice shy, is what you get

    Mon coeur suivra toujours ta trace, sans jamais un faux pas.
    A tout jamais derrière toi, l'amour sera ma loi.
    Vivre prés de toi, oh! dans mes rêves tu l'es déja.
    Dis moi, qu'un jour enfin tu me verra, qu'un jour tu m'embrassera

    Too many times I've witnessed
    My heart make a fool of itself
    So sure it's gonna turn out one way
    Always turns out being somethin' else

    Mon coeur te restera ouvert
    A toi jusqu'a la fin des temps
    Mais ne joue pas trop avec moi
    Le pouvoir d'une femme est impressionant

    I'm not willing to be so open, transparent, no not yet
    Once bitten twice shy, is what you get
    (But here in front of you, there's nothin I can do)

    Mon coeur suivra toujours ta trace, sans jamais un faux pas.
    A tout jamais derrière toi, l'amour sera ma loi.
    Vivre prés de toi, oh! dans mes rêves tu l'es déja.
    Dis moi, qu'un jour enfin tu me verra, qu'un jour tu m'embrassera

    My hearts got a mind of it's own (of it's own)
    Won't listen to a word I say
    Doesn't it know that I get hurt too
    When it acts that way (when it acts that way)
    Cos When it breaks I break (I break)
    I don't know how much more of this I can take
    (More of this I can take)
    Doesn't it know that I get hurt too (get hurt too)
    When it acts that way (when it acts that way)
    Stop, slow down, take a deep breath
    Think about what I'm doin'
    Think about once bitten, twice shy
    Stop, slow down, take a second
    Before you rush right in
    It's gonna be my tears you cry
    Mon coeur suivra toujours ta trace, sans jamais un faux pas.
    A tout jamais derrière toi, l'amour sera ma loi.
    Vivre prés de toi, oh! dans mes rêves tu l'es déja.
    Dis moi, qu'un jour enfin tu me verra, qu'un jour tu m'embrassera

    My hearts got a mind of it's own (of it's own)
    Won't listen to a word I say
    Doesn't it know that I get hurt too
    When it acts that way (when it acts that way)
    Cos When it breaks I break (I break)
    I don't know how much more of this I can take
    (More of this I can take)
    Doesn't it know that I get hurt too (get hurt too)
    When it acts that way (when it acts that way)

    My hearts got a mind of it's own
    My hearts got a mind of it's own
    Stop, slow down, take a deep breath

    -= Rumor Warning =-

    Je ne crois pas qu'il y a un dieu! ;-)

    --Monday, December 10, 2001 at 1.17pm GMT - [Schnickers]
    We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight Out!
    Emma's new single We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight is out today! You can order the following formats from amazon.co.uk:

    CD single
    DVD single

    --Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 12.16am AEDT - [LukeP]
    Emma Reveals Worst Habit
    In UK newspaper, The Mirror, Emma has revealed her worst habit.

    Emma giggled whilst making the following revelation:

    "It'll ruin my sweet image... I'm allergic to eye make-up, which makes me get these weird kind of eye bogeys. They're really squidgy and horrible. The girls hate me for it because I always wipe it on them when they moan at me."

    --Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 12.02am AEDT - [LukeP]
    Victoria To Learn French?
    -= Rumor Warning =-

    UK newspaper, The Sun reports that Victoria is taking language lessons so she can record her next single in French.

    It seems she is to record 'Mind Of Its Own' in French so she can try break in to the lucrative European market. The French version will be known as 'Mon Coeur Suivra'.

    Victoria's bosses at Virgin are hoping it will boost sales when the record is released next year in February.

    In France radio stations are required to play a strict quota of songs in their own language so Victoria's single would most probably be guaranteed airplay.

    -= Rumor Warning =-

    --Saturday, December 8, 2001 at 12.58am AEDT - [LukeP]
    Melanie C Says Goodbye To Boyfriend
    -= Rumor Warning =-

    In Tuesday's edition of UK newspaper, The Mirror, it was reported that Melanie C bid her British racing driver boyfriend, Jason Plato, adieu.

    After numerous dates together, it seems that Melanie C informed him that she has no time for a boyfriend.

    A 'source' says:

    "Jason was really keen on Mel but she didn't see it developing into a serious relationship. There was lots of flirting but Mel just couldn't see it blossoming into anything serious. It was quite sad when she ended it with him - but there were no tears."

    Melanie first met Jason in October after watching her brother, Paul, compete in the Touring Car Championships. From there Jason ended up being Melanie's first love interest since she split from Dan Cadan six months ago.

    The 'source' continued by saying:

    "She hasn't had much luck with men this year. If a man appears on the scene then fine - but until then she's happy to occupy herself with work."

    -= Rumor Warning =-

    Tuesday's news, I hear you say? Yeah, I know! Apologies! Been a bit busy, so well.. this story only got it's airing now.

    --Saturday, December 8, 2001 at 12.38am AEDT - [LukeP]
    Spice Girls Have Secret Meeting - Melanie C Couldn't Care Less
    -= Rumor Warning =-

    As part of SpiceNews.com's ever continuing updates on the rumoured Spice Girls split, a new story has come in from UK newspaper, The Mirror.

    It is reported that the Spice Girls called a crisis meeting on Friday "where winding down the once invincible group is believed to be top of the agenda."

    It also reads that Melanie C is so sick of the all the shenanigans that she vowed to boycott the secret gathering.

    A 'source' says:

    "At this meeting you'll be able to cut the atmosphere with a knife. Mel C's solo career has taken off but, to put it mildly, the other girls have been less successful. They want to sort out their financial futures but Sporty's had it with the whole Spice Girls thing."

    -= Rumor Warning =-

    --Tuesday, December 4, 2001 at 10.43am MST - [AHung]
    Emma Loaded Pictures
    Click below to see some saucy pictures of Emma from the magazine Loaded:

    Thanks Stephen Melancon and Murph.

    --Saturday, December 1, 2001 at 12.43pm GMT - [Schnickers]
    Naughty Emma
    Emma was Not Such An Innocent Girl as a teenager... on Channel 4's Popworld, she confessed:
    "I stole hairspray but I wouldn't do it again. It was scary."

    --Saturday, December 1, 2001 at 10.16am GMT - [Schnickers]
    Emma On CD:UK-MPEG
    Emma performed We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight on CD:UK last week, click here to download an mpeg of that.

    Thanks Michael Holden!

    Sorry for the delay in posting this! :)

    --Saturday, December 1, 2001 at 9.59am GMT - [Schnickers]
    Emma Knows The Alphabet!
    Click here to download Emma proving that she knows aaallllll the letters from the alphabet by singing it backwards on BBC's "The Saturday Show".

    Thanks Tim F!

    --Saturday, December 1, 2001 at 1.18am GMT - [Schnickers]
    MelB TrackHer
    Here is a small picture of Melanie B on yesterday's Top Of The Pops-Awards.

    Thanks forever-spicer!

    --Saturday, December 1, 2001 at 12.35am GMT - [Schnickers]
    New Interview: Mel C On "Indepedence Day"
    Melanie C's official site has been updated with an interesting interview. She says that she just re-recorded her previously unreleased song "Independence Day" for the soundtrack of the movie "Bend It Like Beckham", giving it "a new vibe, some new lyrics and new producers".

    She also gives the reason why Bohemian Rhapsody will never be released ("it didn't do Mr Mercury's masterpiece justice") and talks about her plans, work on her next album and more. Click here to read our local copy of the interview.