--Friday, August 31, 2001 at 1.26pm AEST - [LukeP]
Lefteye & Melanie C To Duet Again?
Lisa "Lefteye" Lopes of US R&B group 'TLC', wants to record another duet with Melanie C, after the success of their last collaboration - 'Never Be The Same Again'.

She says:

"I would dearly love to hook-up with Mel C again. We've spoken about it and she's really keen on the idea too. The Spice Girls were massive in America, but it would be nice for Mel to have a hit of her own there. Maybe this will be the one."

--Thursday, August 30, 2001 at 7.14pm MST - [AHung]
Emma On Charity Album
From The Sun:

Emma will appear on a forthcoming charity album in memory of Damilola Taylor along with Craig David and Mica Paris (as well as other artists yet to be named). The profits will go towards funding a youth centre in Peckham, South London.

Thanks Burnt Out.

--Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at 10.45pm MST - [AHung]
Big Picture Of Emma
Click here to see a picture of Emma on the cover of Saturday magazine. Warning: this is a large picture.

Thanks to the lovely Stephen Melancon!

--Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at 9.45pm MST - [AHung]
Free Tickets To See Victoria Perform On CD:UK
From the official Popgoss web site:

Victoria is performing this Saturday on CD:UK and there are still free tickets available (hopefully). All audience members will need to be available from approximately 9:00am until 1:00pm and you MUST be between 16 and 30 years old (photo ID WILL be required to gain entry into the studio). The studio is in Waterloo, London and you will need to be able to get there yourself.

If you want to go, email Philippa WITH YOUR PHONE NUMBER at phillipa@powerhousetv.co.uk, and she will phone you and arrange for your tickets to be posted to you!

--Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at 9.45am MST - [AHung]
Emma In Paris October 3rd
Emma will perform at the MCM Cafe on October 3rd, 2001.

--Tuesday, August 28, 2001 at 6.45pm MST - [AHung]
Melanie Pictures From Bonn Performance
Click below to see some pictures of Melanie C performing in Bonn Germany:

Thanks wow_fandk and RTL.

--Sunday, August 26, 2001 at 2.45am MST - [AHung]
Victoria Comments
-= Rumor Warning =-

British tabloid News of the World is reporting that Victoria may say some pretty damning things in her upcoming autobiography 'Learning To Fly'. This includes comments on Geri such as:

"I can't stand Geri. I haven't seen her since a party we were both at in the south of France a couple of years ago and I'm pleased about that fact. She is one of the most disloyal people I've ever known. When she walked out of the Spice Girls, she almost split up an entire band with her selfish behaviour."

Victoria also apparently wanted David to sign with a London club instead of re-signing with Manchester United in 1998, as she felt removed from her friends and her family.

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Saturday, August 25, 2001 at 1.45am MST - [AHung]
Victoria's Album And Single Covers
Click here to view Victoria's album cover.

Click here to view Victoria's cover for the single 'Not Such An Innocent Girl'.

--Friday, August 24, 2001 at 10.45am MST - [AHung]
Emma On Radio 1
Emma will be one of the guests on Scott Mills' Radio 1 show at 1:00 pm Sunday August 26th. She may be doing only an interview.

Thanks Burnt Out.

--Friday, August 24, 2001 at 2.45am MST - [AHung]
Official Emma Single Tracklisting
This is from www.hmv.co.uk:

The CD tracklisting for 'Take My Breath Away' is:
1. TMBA (single mix)
2. Close encounter
3. TMBA (tin tin out mix)

The DVD tracklisting is:
1. Emma Bunton Introduction to 'Take My Breath Away' (Single Mix - Video) (Video)
2. Take My Breath Away (Single Mix - DVD Video)
3. Emma Bunton Introduction to 'Invincible' (Video)
4. Invincible
5. Emma Bunton Introduction to 'Take My Breath Away' (Tin Tin Out Mix) (Video)
6. Take My Breath Away (Tin Tin Out Mix)
7. Emma Bunton Goodbye Message (Video)

Thanks E.R. Spice

--Thursday, August 23, 2001 at 6.00pm AEST - [LukeP]
Victoria Not Being Invited To Reunion?
-= Rumor Warning =-

According to UK newspaper The Mirror, there is to be a reunion next month with all Spice Girls (sorry, Geri isn't included), so that they can catch up on gossip. That is a reunion with all Spices, minus Victoria.

The reason?

According to The Mirror, it's because of Mel B who is co-ordinating the event, supposedly she and Victoria are not on speaking terms. The reasons are unknown as to why but it is presumed it is because of the different paths their solo careers have taken.

A 'source' is quoted as saying:

"A rift has grown between Mel B and Victoria which is really serious. It is such a shame because the four of them always got on so well."

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 9.45pm MST - [AHung]
It's A Family Affair
Brooklyn makes a cameo appearance on Victoria Beckham's debut album. Says Victoria:

"He loves 'Every Part Of Me' which is on the album and he does feature a little tiny bit at the beginning. It's just like background noises, he's laughing and giggling. He was on the track by accident and then I played it back and thought it sounded cute, so I decided to leave him on."

Thanks Luke Peterson. :-)

--Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 10.15am MST - [AHung]
Emma Bunton Radio 1 Session
On Emma's official calendar for August, she is scheduled to perform 2 songs on Radio 1 at 10:30 on August 25th. Unless this has changed since the calendar was printed.

--Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 10.15am MST - [AHung]
Emma Bunton 'Star Lives'
The 'Star Lives' programme about Emma will be broadcast on ITV on Bank Holiday Monday (August 27th) at 8pm. The guests include Mel B & Phoenix Chi, Andi Peters and Dawn French.

Thanks Burnt Out.

--Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 9.58am MST - [AHung]
Solo Spice Documentary To Be Shown On C4
'Solo Spice', a new one hour documentary by the same people who made last years' 'Girls On Film', will be shown on Channel 4 on Friday 31st August at 6:00 pm. It might, however, be rubbish - if it's just like the last one (various people talking about the girls) intercut with old and new interviews.

On the same day, on BBC1, they will be showing 'There's Only One David Beckham' which the Radio Times reckons has a contribution from Victoria. On ITV, they will be showing 'Rich And Famous' which has an interview with Victoria eating pie and mash.

Thanks Orlando.

--Monday, August 20, 2001 at 9.02pm MST - [AHung]
Victoria To Headline Radio 1's One Big Sunday
From Dotmusic:

Kylie Minogue and Victoria Beckham will headline Radio 1's last One Big Sunday event in Leicester. The full line-up includes Coldplay, Craig David, Dido, Faithless, Jamiroquai and Nelly Furtado. The event at Victoria Park on September 2nd is the official end to the Radio 1 live summer. It will be broadcast live from 1-4pm and will be presented by Jo Whiley, Chris Moyles and The Dreem Teem. Nemone will warm up the crowd.

--Monday, August 20, 2001 at 6.02pm MST - [AHung]
Emma's Dress Sense
Click below to see pictures of Emma dressed up as a sexy school mistress complete with cane. This was for a fancy dress thrash for one of Jade's bandmates.

--Monday, August 20, 2001 at 3.48pm MST - [AHung]
Victoria's Album Tracklisting
-= Rumor Warning =-

Victoria's tracklisting for her solo album is as follows:

1) Not Such An Innocent Girl
2) I Wish
3) Forgiven
4) What You Talking About
5) It Helps (When You Love Me)
6) What's This Woman Gonna Do
7) Every Part Of Me
8) I Want You
9) Signed With A Kiss
10) You Know I Need You
11) Girlfriend
12) Out Of Your Mind

Track 7 is the track which Brooklyn "sings" on.

-= Rumor Warning =-

Thanks Mark for the warning! :-)

There is a rumor that this tracklisting was made up by a fan on the Internet, someone with obviously little of a life.

--Sunday, August 19, 2001 at 11.23pm AEST - [LukeP]
Victoria Has Had A Boob Job, Says Friend
-= Rumor Warning =-

A 'friend' has told UK newspaper, the Sunday People that the rumours of Victoria having not only one, but two boob jobs are in fact true.

The 'friend' said:

"Victoria could no longer deny the truth. It was pretty obvious to everyone that her boobs are bigger than before. She said she was happy with her first boob job. But then after she lost a bit of weight, her breasts changed shape and didn't look as perky as they had before. So she decided to have another op to get the shape back. They are slightly bigger than before and they stick out much more."

The 'friend' says that what helped make Victoria spill the beans was during a recent magazine photo shoot.

"When she lay down her boobs didn't move and it was obvious something had been done, so someone asked her if she'd had a boob job. It didn't help that at the moment Victoria is very thin because she wants to look good to launch her solo album. So her bigger boobs are even more noticeable. She said she had it done fairly recently, although shewouldn't say exactly when and had wanted to keep it a secret.

Victoria is said to have had her first boob job in September 1999 and her second boob op, around April of this year.

The 'friend' also revealed that when Victoria wants to make Brooklyn laugh, she raises up her skirt and flashes her knickers. It has apparently worked without fail.

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Sunday, August 19, 2001 at 1.05am MST - [AHung]
Victoria On Britney, David, Geri, And Brooklyn
In an upcoming interview with Smash Hits, Victoria says that she will have another baby if her music career does not take off:
If it's a success I'll carry on, if not I'll have another baby. I'd love a girl. But we'll see how the single goes.

Commenting on her looks and David, she says:
I did worry a lot about my body image. Even now I look in the mirror and hate the way I look. David is the same. I look at him and say, 'But you're gorgeous, how can you be self-conscious?' But he is. We all have insecurities. When I first met David he wasn't what he is now. He was the same person, but he wasn't a pin-up. To me he's just David. I doubt he wakes up next to me and thinks he is lying next to one of the sexiest women in the world, cos when I wake up I look shocking. My hair sticks out in all directions.

On Britney Spears, Victoria says:
She's amazing. I think she looks great. We were like two crazed fans when we met. I had my camera and she had brought hers and we were both awestruck. I went, 'Oh my God, it's Britney Spears', and she went, 'Oh my God, it's Posh Spice', and we took pictures of each other.

On Geri, she says:
We have nothing in common. I don't speak to Geri at all any more. She is doing her thing and I'm doing my thing. I haven't seen her in the flesh in a long time.

On Brooklyn:
Oh no, he's so-o-o-o naughty. It's usually when we're in a shop, so it's really embarrassing. I've got white carpets and he has been sick all over them. He rides his scooter into my curtains too. I'm used to sick and poo.

--Saturday, August 18, 2001 at 1.05am MST - [AHung]
Victoria Is Fan Of Belfast DJ
From the Belfast Telegraph:

Victoria Beckham has asked Belfast DJ Joe Ferguson to introduce her on stage at an outdoor gig in Liverpool later this month. "She remembered me from the last time I interviewed her and sang to her," said Joe, who left Belfast for Liverpool last year. "I couldn't believe it. I asked her for her home phone number to call her back just to make sure it was her, and it was. There's me sitting have a pint in a pub and Victoria Beckham calls me up. She said she listens to my programme every morning and was keen to get me to introduce her new song on stage, so of course I agreed."

Thanks Angelic Emma

--Friday, August 17, 2001 at 5.05pm MST - [AHung]
Emma CD And DVD Details.
According to www.hmv.co.uk, Emma's CD and DVD singles for 'Take My Breath Away' (out August 27th) will contain Tin Tin Out remixes with the DVD also having the video and intros from Emma herself.

Thanks Burnt Out.

--Thursday, August 16, 2001 at 7.45pm MST - [AHung]
Meet Emma Bunton!
From Worldpop:

Emma will be taking part in a webcast interview at Virgin Records next Wednesday 22 August and she has donated a pair of tickets to the event for one lucky fan to win. To enter the competition simply answer the following question: What is the title of Emma Bunton's solo album? Email your answer to competition@worldpop.com, titling your message 'Emma Bunton' and including your name, address and age. All normal worldpop terms and conditions apply. To submit your questions for the Emma webchat head over to her official site www.emmabunton.net.

--Tuesday, August 14, 2001 at 3.15pm MST - [AHung]
Geri And Emma Fallout?
-= Rumor Warning =-

There is a rumor going around that shortly after Christmas 2000, Geri rung up all the Spice Girls except for Emma. (This ties in with the rumor that Geri had rung up Victoria but Victoria was not there to answer).

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Tuesday, August 14, 2001 at 3.15pm MST - [AHung]
More From Emma's Schedule Revised
The performance for GMTV originally scheduled for August 15th looks like it has been re-scheduled for August 24th. She will also be presenting the Disney Channel on August 27th.

Thanks Jack and his melsnorthernstar club!

--Monday, August 13, 2001 at 3.15pm MST - [AHung]
More From Emma's Schedule
Below are more listings from Emma's official calendar (keep in mind that shedules can change last-minute though):

  • August 15 - GMTV performance
  • August 17 - Viva Comet Awards in Cologne
  • August 19 - FM 104 Dublin Radio roadshow
  • August 20 - sitting for Bronze statue - Grt ormond Street
  • August 22 - live video web chat, you can find out more by clicking here
  • August 23 - TOTP performance

I'm not sure about the August 20th entry. But that's what it says on the calendar.

--Saturday, August 11, 2001 at 10.15am MST - [AHung]
Emma Accoustic Session
Fellow Spice fan MarC has uploaded Emma's Radio 2 accoustic session onto his web site here.

--Saturday, August 11, 2001 at 3.15am MST - [AHung]
Posh Places Ban On Groovejet II
-= Rumor Warning =-

From Dominic Mohan's 'bizarre' column in The Sun:

Posh Spice has blocked a remix of the single that wrecked her chances of topping the charts last year.

Truesteppers' revamped version of Spiller's 'Groovejet', mixed with Victoria Beckham's vocals from 'Out Of Your Mind' was due out September 17 - the same day as Posh's own single, 'Not Such An Innocent Girl'.

But lawyers from her record label Virgin banned it. So now Truesteppers are asking rival Spice Girl Geri Halliwell to copy Posh's vocal for the single! The row erupted when furious Posh heard about Truesteppers' plan to feature her voice on their new release.

She immediately got Virgin to fire off a letter to the BMG record company, who were planning to release the track. BMG owned the rights to her vocals but Victoria had retained the right to veto any remixes.

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Saturday, August 11, 2001 at 3.15am MST - [AHung]
Posh and Sophie Make Up
-= Rumor Warning =-

Sophie Ellis-Bextor has made up with Posh Spice. (The two went head-to-head last summer for the #1 position, with Sophie narrowly coming out on top.) Sophie says: "I just decided enough was enough, and I went and spoke to her and she seemed fine. She was in a dressing room next to mine a couple of days ago and we had a little chat and it was really nice. We spoke for a couple of minutes, so I think we can finally say there's no animosity there now."

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Friday, August 10, 2001 at 10.15am MST - [AHung]
Interview With Emma Bunton
Click here to read an interview with Emma Bunton from a Singapore teen magazine called LIME.

Thanks Spice Girls Asia.

--Friday, August 10, 2001 at 9.15am MST - [AHung]
Victoria On CD:UK Pictures
Click below to see pictures of Victoria performing on CD:UK:

--Thursday, August 9, 2001 at 5.15am MST - [AHung]
Press Conference And Mel C Single Rumors False
There have been rumors all over the Internet that the Spice Girls will be holding a press conference to discuss future plans and rumors that Melanie C has a new single called 'Day Light in your Eyes' that was played to a fan over the phone. In attempts to clear up these rumors, spicenews.com phoned up the official Spice Girls head office in London. People in the office say they there is no such press conference planned and that they have not heard of such a new Melanie C single. Furthermore, they say that the fan club would not phone up a fan and play an unreleased song over the Internet.

I didn't think the fan club would get a hold of a new Melanie C single before the official office does anyways. It should be noted that a fan was phoned by the fan club regarding prizes offered, but no new Mel C single was played over the phone, as far as the head office is aware. Thank you to the office for clearing this up for us.

--Wednesday, August 8, 2001 at 5.15pm MST - [AHung]
Victoria On MTV Europe
Victoria will be on MTV Select (MTV Europe) this Friday August 10th. She will be interviewed and her video will be shown.

Thanks Joseph Singh.

--Wednesday, August 8, 2001 at 11.15am MST - [AHung]
Victoria's Single On DVD
CD and DVD editions of 'Not Such an Innocent Girl' will feature remixes by Sunship and Robbie Rivera. The DVD version will also contain the video clip for the song with a photo gallery and film clips, while the CD will also include the new song 'In Your Dreams.' This is from Billboard USA.

Thanks mel2vicem.

I'm not quite if this will be released in the UK, the US, or both.

--Tuesday, August 7, 2001 at 9.15pm MST - [AHung]
More Of Emma's Upcoming Schedule
The following are tentative appointments in Emma's calendar schedule:

  • August 10: CD:UK rehearsals and Stars and Their Lives
  • August 11: CD:UK performance, Radio 2 Accoustic Performance, Allinson show
  • August 12: International Event at Star and Garter (Putney), Pepsi chart show
  • August 14: MTV day (UK and international)

--Tuesday, August 7, 2001 at 9.15pm MST - [AHung]
Victoria Contributes To Her Own Message Board?
-= Rumor Warning =-

Victoria Beckham apparently logs on and contributes to her own message board here.

-= Rumor Warning =-

Please be respectful and don't all try to fight for her attention. :-)

--Tuesday, August 7, 2001 at 9.15pm MST - [AHung]
Melanie Performs In Istanbul
Click here to view video news footage of Melanie C's recent performance at a festival in Istanbul Turkey.

Thanks Mert and SpicePower.net.

--Tuesday, August 7, 2001 at 9.15pm MST - [AHung]
Emma To Light Up Blackpool
Emma Bunton is among the guests to appear at this year's Blackpool Illuminations. The event will take place at the end of September. Steps, among other guests, will appear alongside her. They will switch on the lights as well as perform for an expected huge crowd.

Thanks crazyspice.

--Tuesday, August 7, 2001 at 8.45pm MST - [AHung]
Victoria's Top Falls Off
Victoria's top fell off while she was pre-recording her first ever performance of 'Not Such An Innocent Girl' for next week's CD:UK! But she wasn't bothered by it and just laughed it off because she did 2 recordings. So, they will use the one without the breasts. This news was from yesterday's Sunday Express.

Thanks Joseph Singh.

--Monday, August 6, 2001 at 5.45am MST - [AHung]
Emma On Jerry Springer Collage
Click here to see a collage of Emma performing on Jerry Springer.

Thanks Stephen Melancon.

--Monday, August 6, 2001 at 2.45am MST - [AHung]
Emma On Capital FM
Emma was recently on Capital FM's Doctor Fox. Here's a few things that she said:

She loves REAL music like (the use of) guitar, rather than euro beats and dance although she likes dancing to it. "Scream If You Want To Go Faster" is her favorite Geri song. Geri is really friendly when they meet and they always hug, etc... the interview in the Mail magazine was exaggerated (apparently). She likes O-Town, OPM, Jennifer Lopez, and Missy Elliot at the moment, but didnt seem that keen on The Honeyz, even though she didnt say anything much regarding this.

Thanks halli#heaven.

--Saturday, August 4, 2001 at 9.45am MST - [AHung]
Cancer Scare For Emma
-= Rumor Warning =-

Emma Bunton says she had a cancer scare last year. Baby Spice says doctors discovered a problem when she went for a routine smear test. She says pre-cancerous cells were found and have been removed.

"I had an operation where they took them out. It scared the living daylights out of me. I'm one of those people who doesn't really worry about health things. This was the first time. They sorted it out, it was all quick. You usually have smears every three years, but now I have one every year."

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Saturday, August 4, 2001 at 9.45am MST - [AHung]
Cancer Scare For Emma
-= Rumor Warning =-

Emma Bunton says she had a cancer scare last year. Baby Spice says doctors discovered a problem when she went for a routine smear test. She says pre-cancerous cells were found and have been removed.

"I had an operation where they took them out. It scared the living daylights out of me. I'm one of those people who doesn't really worry about health things. This was the first time. They sorted it out, it was all quick. You usually have smears every three years, but now I have one every year."

-= Rumor Warning =-

--Saturday, August 4, 2001 at 3.45am MST - [AHung]
Win A Dream Weekend With Emma In London!
Click here to enter an official competition to meet Emma in London and see an exclusive gig. The contest is only open to those living in the UK and travel expenses will be fully paid for!

--Friday, August 3, 2001 at 3.45pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Victoria On Groovejet-Remix
Asked about her opinion on her vocals from Out Of Your Mind being used in a new version of Spiller's Groovejet (Story), Victoria told Dr Fox from Capital FM:
"I've known about this single for a while. I'm really not bothered. If it's released the same time as my new single Not Such An Innocent Girl at least I'm competing against myself in the charts!"

Thanks mel2vicem on the dotmusic forum!

--Friday, August 3, 2001 at 3.45pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Victoria TrackHer
Victoria was the special guest of the "Jason Theatre School" for its annual awards ceremony last week. She has been to the school herself for 8 years and now handed awards to actors of all ages. A spokeswoman said that "Victoria said that she had a lovely time on the day. She said she empathised with how the young actors felt."

--Friday, August 3, 2001 at 3.44pm GMT - [Schnickers]
Victoria Loves German...
... wine. Victoria visited a restaurant, trying to get the cheap german wine "Liebfraumilch" (about £2.99/bottle) which seems to be the Beckham's favorite. Unfortunetly, the wine wasn't posh enough for the restaurant so they had to send people out to get a few bottles in a shop.

I know the story is pretty pointless but I like it how Victoria seems to stay on the ground. I can certainly imagine her drinking a typical girls-night-out drink in Beckingham Palace ;-)

--Friday, August 3, 2001 at 1.39am MST - [AHung]
Interview With Victoria Beckham On Jerry Springer
Click here to read excerpts of an interview Victoria Beckham has recently done on the show Jerry Springer. She is asked who she would save from drowning: Sir Alex Ferguson or Geri Halliwell. Click to the interview to see her answer.

--Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 10.39am PST - [Mike]
Full Video of "Not Such An Innocent Girl"
Thanks to some investigative searching by a SpiceNews.com reader, you can download Victoria's new video in full. (A clip was posted this morning on her official site.) A local copy may be made soon.

The video is in Quicktime: Download

Thanks to Ugine M.

The video looks excellent!

--Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 3.32am GMT - [Schnickers]
Posh To Battle Herself
Now after Posh delayed the release of her single Not Such An Innocent Girl to avoid a chart battle with Michael Jackson, she has to battle herself.

BMG, who owns the right on Posh's vocals for Out Of Your Mind, is planning to release a new version of Spiller's Groovejet, which beat Out Of Your Mind to No1 last year, this time featuring Victoria's parts from Out Of Your Mind.

To make it even worse, BMG said that they are "hoping to release on the same week as her new single" which means Victoria would battle herself in the UK-charts.

Hehe, sounds interesting, I'm kinda excited what it will sound like :)

--Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 2.31am GMT - [Schnickers]
Wannabe Best Pop Video Of The 90's
Wannabe has won the MTV viewer's choice award for best pop video of the 90's which was voted for MTV's 20th anniversary yesterday.

--Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 2.57am GMT - [Schnickers]
See Emma Live At The Pepsi Chart
Emma will be performing her new single Take My Breath Away on the Pepsi Chart in Leicester Square on 07/08/01 and you can get free tickets to see her. Here is what you need to do:

"All audience members will need to be available from approximately 6pm until 9.30pm and are required to be 18+ (photo ID may be required as the show is filmed in a night club). The studio is in Leicester Square, London and guests will need to make their own way there as we do not provide transport.

All interested parties can contact Sophie on 020 7240 2828 or e-mail with their phone number sophies@powerhousetv.co.uk and we will post out the tickets."

--Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 2.51am GMT - [Schnickers]
Take My Breath Away-Cover
Here is the cover for Emma's single Take My Breath Away, to be released 20th August.

--Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 2.10am MST - [AHung]
Melanie C Voiceover Reminder
A reminder to all spicenews readers to tune into BBC1 today on August 1st to watch a documentary by Chris Terrill. It focuses on the lives of a dozen young people under 30 and is intercut with poetry and lyrics read by Melanie C. Below are quotes by Melanie on why she decided to contribute:

"I saw Chris Terrill's film 'Through the Eyes of the Old',and it really opened my eyes to the need for better communication between the generations. 'Through the Eyes of the Young' was something I could really relate to and wanted to be involved in.

I think it is so hard being young. When you're young, you've got so many expectations of life and you feel that people have so many expectations of you. That can be an enormous pressure. And then if you fulfill those expectations, there's a different kind of pressure. The Spice Girls shot to superstardom in a very short time. We've always been an example for young people out there who don't really have anything but dreams, but when you've had success at a very young age your priorities change.

I'm 27 now and I've come to realise that there are other things in life that are just as valuble as wealth and fame. 'Through the eyes of the Young' celebrates so many different ways of being successful and I think that is really important".

Thanks pepper01.

--Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 12.40am MST - [AHung]
Emma's US Promotional Schedule
Emma is scheduled to be in the United States September 22 - 29 for promotional reasons. As for this week, she is travelling to Scotland on August 3rd to do a few live shows there, including (tentatively) Live and Kicking on Saturday August 4th. Next week, she is scheduled to do the GWR Roadshow in Bristol on August 9th.

--Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 3.00am GMT - [Schnickers]
Take My Breath Away Tracklist
Here is the tracklist for Take My Breath Away according to Eil.com:
  1. Take My Breath Away - Single Mix
  2. Close Encouter
  3. Invincible
The single will also feature four limited edition postcards. There is no CD2 but a DVD instead, the content of that is still unknown.

Thanks James

--Wednesday, August 1, 2001 at 2.52am GMT - [Schnickers]
Take Her Songs Away
Emma told worldpop that she is writing songs for other artists, popular as well as unknown. She said:
"I can't give you any names yet but some acts have asked me if they can have some of the tracks I didn't put on my album. There are some people that you probably know and also some new artists that are coming up. It's a very strange feeling knowing that a song that you've written might go to another band that's up there doing it.

I'd love to manage a band or a solo artist and more songwriting for other people is something I'm very interested in. I was asked about two weeks ago about my extra tracks. They said 'There's a track that didn't go on your album and such and such would like it,' and I was just like, 'Wow, that's amazing!'

At first I was a bit wary. There is one track they wanted and I was like, No, that's mine, I can't give that away! But I wrote about 40 songs for my album so there are a couple in there that are maybe not so me."