SpiceWorld In First Place!
SpiceWorld is currently in fist place at the Billboard Online
vote for album of the year!!! Go vote now and multiple times!
(Disable cookies in your web browser for multiple votes to
go through). Click Here To Vote! It will be the #10 spot
to vote but it was the #1 resulting(you will see after you vote)
with 39.55% of the vote! Followed closely by Madonna with
38.72%. Please vote and keep the Spice Girls on top! It
would be the greatest thing if they won this. Tell everyone
to vote for SpiceWorld, spread the word! Click Here To Vote!Vote Here!
Source: Tic from #spicegirls / Billboard Online
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
MuchMusic Spice Special
On the 2nd day of 1999 there will be a Spice Girls festival
type thing on MuchMusic where they will show 9 Spicey
Specials in a row, including the Wembly Concert!
Source: [K] from #spicegirls
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Next weekend on MTV Europe, Mel B will be hosting the
weekend edition of MTV news.
Source: Spice Universe
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
SpiceWorld Vote
Go to http://www.billboard.com/yearend/1998/charts.asp?chart=2
to vote for SpiceWorld in the top albums of 1998. It is
currently at #2 right behind Madonna! It was also the #10
best selling album of 1998 in the US.
Source: Billboard Online
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
MelC Virginity Loss
The Spice Girl who talks the least about this type of thing
seems to have released more info about it then any of the
other girls. Apparently in an interview with ID magazine
Mel revealed that she lost her virginity at the age of 16.
Mel is apparently quoted as saying:
"It was getting to the point with my boyfriend where we were
getting more intimate with each other. So when nobody was
around I lost my virginity on the bunk bed I used to share
with my brother. I wanted to have sex before I was 16
though I never got round to it."
Source: American Spice
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Album 3 In Spring or not?
The Spice Girls were interviewed on an Israeli televsion show
about a week and a half ago. It was mostly routine stuff,
but there was this exchange:
Q: Your new album is due in Spring '99. Some of the songs
(that) were destined to be there were written with Geri
originally. Are you going to include them too?
A: (By Emma:) Ummm, well, for the next album, we will be
writing brand new songs; and, you know, we're taking it
slowy and enjoying the process, because we've been very very
busy, the last album we did was due with the film, so it was
a bit hectic, but this time we're taking our time. We don't
want to say just yet when it would be out, 'cause, you know,
we wanna enjoy it in the process. (MelB in the background:
takin' it easy, man!)
Download the MP3 of the above Q&A
Source: Ido
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
MelC Love Rumor Killer
MelC killed some rumors in Smash Hits magazine as far as her
love life goes. She said:
"I wanted to clear up some silly rumours that have been in the papers,"
whispered Mel C down the phone one evening last fortnight. "And I know
Smash Hits always likes to get its facts right, so here goes...
"I know people have been saying that I'm seeing Jimmy from 911, but I've
NEVER met Jimmy on a romantic basis. I've bumped into him at work things,
and we've said hello and all that, but I don't really even know him!
"As for Kavana, I'm not seeing him and I never have been - he's just my
little mate! I gave him a birthday kiss - no tongues or NOTHING - and the
next thing, everyone was saying that I snogged him. Well, I didn't! So
there you go - that's the truth, straight from the horse's mouth!"
Source: Smash Hits Magazine
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
The Fresh Prince ;)
On a UK television program Will Smith revealed that Mel B
called him about working together.
Source: Spice Universe
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Goodbye UK Chart Debut
Goodbye has entered the UK Charts at #1!! Thats 3 Christmas
#1's in a row!!! Unreal! Get the parties started!
Source: DotMusic
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Apparently a spokesperson for Virgin Records has said that
"new songs from the Spice Girls will be released in the year
2000. In the meantime fans can look forward to solo
material from Emma, Mel B and Mel C."
This of course completely contradicts the girls saying that
their new album is to be out in May of 1999. Lets wait and
see what the girls say.
Source: Spice Universe
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Goodbye US Chart Debut.
Goodbye has entered the US Charts at #11.
Source: Billboard Magazine
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Spice Girls Charity
The Spice Girls minus Mel B recently visited a the Royal
London Hospital in Whitechapel to visit children staying
there. Emma, Mel C, and Victoria were there and spoke to
the children for about an hour which was broadcast live over
95.8 CapitalFM. The girls also handed out presents to the
children. The radio DJ said:
"The Spice Girls did quite a lot of stuff visiting the
different wards with us and then they wanted to go off and
have a look round on their own. They were very sweet and
all the kids loved them."
Source: Spice Universe
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Posh Honeymoon
Victoria and David are apparently planning to have their
honeymoon in a remote isolated island in the Pacific near
Tahiti named Bora Bora. It is a French Polynesian Island and
is so quiet it doesn't even have telephone lines. Victoria
refused to confirm the decision saying "We haven't finalised
the details yet. It could be Bora Bora or Bournemouth."
Source: The Sun
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Goodbye Asia
Nick from Singapore sends word that Goodbye has been released
there as well and the track listing is this:
1.) Goodbye(Radio Edit)
2.) Christmas Wrapping
3.) Sisters (Live)
4.) We Are Family (Live)
5.) Goodbye (Orchestral Version)
6.) Goodbye Video
The CD is apparently interactive as it has the Goodbye video
on it. Also included is a poster of the cover of the single
and a contest to win some of those Spice Girls Beanie Dolls.
Thanks Nick.
Source: |\| | ( |<
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Sporty Sings To Her Soccer Hero
Each of the Spice Girls took turns co-hosting a radio show
today at Radio 1(UK) and it was Mel C's turn for Zoe Ball's
Breakfast Show. Mel got a pair of red knickers as a New
Year's present from Zoe. She sang a Marilyn Moroe style
happy birthday song to soccer star Michael Owen. She also
dedicated the song to her step-mother Carol. After the show
Mel said "I was really nervous, but they were a great crew
and a great laugh. They made you feel really relaxed. They
really look after you and even provide you with clean
Source: Spice Universe
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Goodbye Out In UK
Goodbye is released in the UK today! Everyone that lives
there go buy a copy. And everyone else buy your UK imports!
Source: Me
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Spice In Copenhagen
The Spice Girls were in Copenhagen recently as guests on
Denmark's most popular TV show. The show is called
"Skattefri Lørdag" which translates to "Tax Free Saturday"
and will air on December 19 8PM CET on Denmark's DR1.
Source: Spice Universe
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Variety Update
The Spice Girls DID perform Goodbye at the 77th Royal Variety
Performance(earlier story). They performed it sitting down
as Victoria is too pregnant to be dancing. The girls were
seated on a glittering block as they sang Goodbye. They also
met up with Prince Charles at the event.
Source: Spice Universe
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Goodbye Released!!!
The Goodbye EP/Single Is Out Today!!! Everyone in North
America go get it! Word has it that it has already been
released in Australia a few days ago.
Source: Spice Universe
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Last night the Spice Girls were guests at the 77th Royal
Variety Performance At Christmas At London's Leceum Theatre
along with a whole slew of other stars. The event will be
broadcast on BBC1 on December 20th.
Source: Spice Universe
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
David Beckham is looking at purchasing a Ferrari. Manchester
United team mate Ryan Giggs has been boasting to him how
much he enjoys driving his own. Victoria and David were
spotted at a car showroom in Egham, Surrey, looking at the
Ferrari. Becks took it for a 20 minute test drive while
Victoria waited in the garage. The exact model is the
Ferrari 550 Maranello. This is the current fastest Ferrari
model available. It can go from 0-60 in 4.3 seconds, and has
a top speed of 199mph. It costs £151,000.
Other cars owned by Beckham:
-Ranger Rover (£60,000)
-Jaguar XK8 (£55,000)
-BMW M3 Evolution convertible (£45,000)
-Don't forget that he just recently sold his Porsche! See
story below.
Source: The Sun
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Goodbye Review
In a shocking discovery I saw that Billboard Magazine's
review of "Goodbye" is extremely positive! Here is the
"Goodbye" (4:10) Virgin Records America
Sometimes, it takes nothing more than a change in the
direction of the wind to signal a dramatic shift in a pop
group's appeal with American audiences. It will be
fascinating to see how radio and fans react to this single,
now that the hype behind Geri "Ginger Spice" Halliwell's
departure has subsided.
This ballad follows in the spirit of "Too Much" and, on its
own, deserves every shot for a healthy run on American radio.
The melody is absolutely beautiful, in fact, one of the
group's most memorable, with well-rounded harmonies and a
message sweetly (and savvily) directed as much toward Ginger
as to the departure of a lover or dear friend. Video play
could be key here, given the Girls' less flashy, downright
ladylike makeover.
Overseas, this one's already being heralded as the one to
beat in the annual battle for the holiday No. 1; here, it
most certainly deserves similar favor. Watch for the single
to arrive at retail Dec. 8.
Source: Billboard Magazine
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Sorry! The last post pointed to the wrong url, it should have
linked to http://www.virginrecords.com/spicegirls
The url was right, but the link wasn't. Sorry!
Source: Me
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
US Virgin Update
Virgin Records USA has updated their version of the official
Spice Girls homepage with a completely new look. It now has
bio's, a picture section, a news section(not that good), and
a video section where they have finally uploaded an official
version of goodbye(which uses windows media player instead
of realplayer, yuk!) and also clips from the Wembly Stadium
Video. Check it out - http://www.virginrecords.com/spicegirls
Source: Virgin Records
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)
Rumor Killer
The following 2 things were only rumors:
Emma and her boyfriend Jade are going to do a cover of the
song "Endless Love". - KILLED
Victoria is going to be in the next James Bond film. - STILL
The Emma & Jade rumor was killed by Emma herself when she and
Mel B did a brief interview on Power 92(radio) in Edmonton,
Alberta Canada.
The Victoria Bond Babe rumor is still a rumor, however an
Eon Productions representative said "It's absolutely not true."
Eon Productions are responsible for the movie! So it's looking
a bit doubtfull now.
Apologies for not stating that the above 2 were only rumors
in previous posts as i myself didn't even know it. I will
try to have more concrete sources next time and post rumor
warning on posts which are rumors.
Source: Geri Halliwell/Spice Girls News, Pictures and Articles
added by: Joz (Jozzy Spice)